Monday, May 16, 2011


Addiction to Smoking is injurious to health is well known by everyone. Even after knowing about this fact many people smoke or at times become a chain smoker. If once addicted it really becomes very difficult to quit.  I myself was a chain smoker. I made a firm determination to quit smoking ,I searched for the products available in the market which can help me to either quit or to decrease the habit of smoking.
I ultimately came to know about electronic cigarettes. After going through the e cigarette reviews I found it to be best product which can help me out to quit. The electronic cigarette is being used by many smokers these days.
I found it to be the safer product to use as it does not have those harmful chemicals like tobacco or tar. It contains nicotine liquid within it. Hence I found best e cigarettes to be a healthy alternative to real cigarettes. It produces the same pleasing effect as I was used to feel after smoking normal cigarettes. Now no more I have to face cough problem as instead of inhaling harmful smoke and chemicals into my lungs by smoking normal cigarette, I inhale vapors which does not irritates anyone. Now no longer I have to spend a huge expenditure on real cigarettes, these cheap e cigarettes saves 80% of the expenditure which was before due to the fact that liquid nicotine is refilled. Moreover my expenditure is being decreased day by day due to the fact that I am on a way to quit. My  consumption of e cigarettes is decreasing day by day. This device gives me control on my nicotine intake. The cartridges of it vary from low to medium strength so if anyone is aiming to quit smoking through this device, then one can gradually change the nicotine cartridge that he use. Similarly I have toggled myself from medium to low strength cartridge within a period of three months. It can be used even in areas where smoking is banned. The main reason is that smoking is not permitted in public areas because of the smoke which is generally harmful. Since that problem is not present with it, it can be used anywhere without harming others. I am free to smoke where I feel like. I don’t have to carry that normal cigarette boxes within my pocket. I carry an electronic cigarette along with e liquid bottle which makes it easy to be portable and helps me in showing me my status.
Thus I myself after experiencing have found it to be a marvellous product. I have found many other people who had quitted smoking after using it.

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