Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cellulite: Causes and Treatment

Perhaps all of you are familiar with the term "cellulite" but still I will like to explain what it exactly means. Cellulite consists of collections of fat under skin which push against the connective tissue under the skin and causes the skin to appear lumpy. Cellulite causes the skin in the lower limb, abdomen and pelvic region to become lumpy and dimpled which resembles cottage cheese. Cellulite is more prevalent in women during periods of hormonal change, such as puberty, pregnancy, premenstrual syndrome, and the initial months on birth control pills. 

There are many causes for occurrence of cellulite like age, lifestyle, diet, genetics and hormones. Generally the chances of having cellulite grow with the age because the tone and regeneration capacity for underlying tissues of the skin decrease as an individual grows older. Consumption of meat, fried or grilled food, high salt food content, alcohol, caffeine and junk food are also some of the other reasons for occurrence of cellulite.


If you are looking for treatments of cellulite then there are many techniques available for it. Some of the cellulite treatments are Endermologie, Ultrasound, Massage technique, Liposuction, using creams and gels. Besides these methods, exercise is also considered as a good way to reduce cellulite. You can choose any of the treatment for cellulite but you should be careful while choosing these treatments because you may find very difficult to identify which treatment really works for you!

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