Monday, May 16, 2011


Addiction to Smoking is injurious to health is well known by everyone. Even after knowing about this fact many people smoke or at times become a chain smoker. If once addicted it really becomes very difficult to quit.  I myself was a chain smoker. I made a firm determination to quit smoking ,I searched for the products available in the market which can help me to either quit or to decrease the habit of smoking.
I ultimately came to know about electronic cigarettes. After going through the e cigarette reviews I found it to be best product which can help me out to quit. The electronic cigarette is being used by many smokers these days.
I found it to be the safer product to use as it does not have those harmful chemicals like tobacco or tar. It contains nicotine liquid within it. Hence I found best e cigarettes to be a healthy alternative to real cigarettes. It produces the same pleasing effect as I was used to feel after smoking normal cigarettes. Now no more I have to face cough problem as instead of inhaling harmful smoke and chemicals into my lungs by smoking normal cigarette, I inhale vapors which does not irritates anyone. Now no longer I have to spend a huge expenditure on real cigarettes, these cheap e cigarettes saves 80% of the expenditure which was before due to the fact that liquid nicotine is refilled. Moreover my expenditure is being decreased day by day due to the fact that I am on a way to quit. My  consumption of e cigarettes is decreasing day by day. This device gives me control on my nicotine intake. The cartridges of it vary from low to medium strength so if anyone is aiming to quit smoking through this device, then one can gradually change the nicotine cartridge that he use. Similarly I have toggled myself from medium to low strength cartridge within a period of three months. It can be used even in areas where smoking is banned. The main reason is that smoking is not permitted in public areas because of the smoke which is generally harmful. Since that problem is not present with it, it can be used anywhere without harming others. I am free to smoke where I feel like. I don’t have to carry that normal cigarette boxes within my pocket. I carry an electronic cigarette along with e liquid bottle which makes it easy to be portable and helps me in showing me my status.
Thus I myself after experiencing have found it to be a marvellous product. I have found many other people who had quitted smoking after using it.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Cellulite Removal by Exercise

Almost everyone knows the fact that exercise is the best way to get rid of cellulite but still they want to avoid this method because it needs a lot of hard work to be done for getting rid of cellulite. Doing exercise for cellulite removal has dual benefits for everyone. First benefit is that it reduces cellulite as intended and other is that it also improves the overall health of the people. Although this method needs more efforts than applying cellulite cream or any other treatments, but the results are definitely worth the extra effort.
Cardiovascular and aerobic exercises are considered as best exercise for cellulite removal. Besides these exercise you can also try some other physical exercises like jogging, dancing, swimming, and treadmill exercises. If you want to get rid of cellulite by exercise then it needs a daily routine to be followed with strong motivation. I meant to say that it is not like that you start exercising whenever you get time. You should decide a daily routine and must follow that routine if you really want to get rid of cellulite. There may be many people who do not like exercising or they find it very difficult to exercise daily with a routine. Such people should try some other cellulite treatments like anti cellulite creams, anti cellulite lotions, massaging method or laser treatments. Although exercise is considered as best method for cellulite removal but these methods are also much effective in reducing cellulite.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Natural Treatments of Cellulite

Diet also plays a major role in the treatment of cellulite. We should avoid foods which are high in salt and refined carbohydrates i.e. white flour, bread and rice. We should also avoid consumption of alcohol, and foods which are high in fat or sugar. Eating foods which are rich in fiber helps in eliminating the waste products from our body. Drinking a lot of water also helps in flushing toxins stored in fat tissues. So we should drink at least six glasses of water daily to avoid cellulite. Natural foods like nuts, seeds, fruit and vegetables also help in cellulite removal.

Exercise is considered as the best way for cellulite removal. It is believed that no other treatment can change and maintain the shape of our body better than exercise. If we want to get rid of cellulite naturally then we should try exercise daily for thirty to forty minutes. It will help in toning of the muscles and also increase blood flow to cellulite-prone areas.

Quit smoking
It is considered that smoking restricts the circulation of blood which inhibits the correct nutrition and oxygenation of the cells. So if you quit smoking then it is also very helpful in cellulite treatment.
Stress also plays important role in cellulite treatment. We should always try to be free from stress. We should try yoga or meditation to avoid stress in our life.
Massage also helps in cellulite removal. Massaging improves the circulation and flushing out of toxins. But it is important to massage whole body not just the cellulite affected areas.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cellulite: Causes and Treatment

Perhaps all of you are familiar with the term "cellulite" but still I will like to explain what it exactly means. Cellulite consists of collections of fat under skin which push against the connective tissue under the skin and causes the skin to appear lumpy. Cellulite causes the skin in the lower limb, abdomen and pelvic region to become lumpy and dimpled which resembles cottage cheese. Cellulite is more prevalent in women during periods of hormonal change, such as puberty, pregnancy, premenstrual syndrome, and the initial months on birth control pills. 

There are many causes for occurrence of cellulite like age, lifestyle, diet, genetics and hormones. Generally the chances of having cellulite grow with the age because the tone and regeneration capacity for underlying tissues of the skin decrease as an individual grows older. Consumption of meat, fried or grilled food, high salt food content, alcohol, caffeine and junk food are also some of the other reasons for occurrence of cellulite.


If you are looking for treatments of cellulite then there are many techniques available for it. Some of the cellulite treatments are Endermologie, Ultrasound, Massage technique, Liposuction, using creams and gels. Besides these methods, exercise is also considered as a good way to reduce cellulite. You can choose any of the treatment for cellulite but you should be careful while choosing these treatments because you may find very difficult to identify which treatment really works for you!